endodontics and root canal treatments at tooth.

What is Root Canal Treatment or Endodontic Treatment?

Root Canal Treatment (RCT) (also known as Endodontic treatment) is a special dental procedure to remove the infected or dead nerve(s) from the canals of the root of your tooth.

In some cases, when the tooth has more canals and/or roots (for example on molars and pre-molars), when access to the canals is difficult, or when a tooth has had root canal treatment already and needs it again (this is known as re-root treatment), a Specialist Endodontist will need to do the treatment under microscope. At tooth we have a Specialist Endodontist who uses our advanced Global A1 Microscope to do Endodontics under microscope.

Top 5 reasons for having Root Canal Treatment/Endodontic Treatment:

  1. You have an infection in the roots of your tooth or teeth

  2. you have previously had a root canal treatment but the root has got infected again

  3. When there is a deep cavity exposing the nerve which cannot be fixed with a filling

  4. When the nerve of your tooth has died following orthodontic treatment

  5. You have had an accident and the nerve is exposed due to fracture, or the nerve has died as a result of the accident/impact

How much is a Root Canal treatment or Endodontist treatment at tooth?

The price will depend on the tooth type, and whether the treatment can be carried out by one of our experienced Dentists or if it needs to be referred to our Specialist Endodontist. Our prices are (all prices are per tooth):

  • £435 (incisor, canine, pre-molar root canal treatment) - with General Dentist

  • £495 (molar) - with General Dentist (note molars are almost always referred to the Endodontist as they are complex)

  • £700 (anterior) - with Endodontist

  • £765 (pre-molar) - with Endodontist

  • £825 (molar) - with Endodontist

If you have already had Root Canal Treatment on your tooth then Re-Endo Treatment (Re-Root Treatment) costs an additional £75 and can only be done by our Specialist Endodontist:

  • £775 (anterior) - with Endodontist

  • £840 (pre-molar) - with Endodontist

  • £900 (molar) - with Endodontist

What should I expect if I am having a Root Canal Treatment (RCT) or specialist Endodontic Treatment ?

Dr. Alberto - our caring Endodontist at tooth

Root Canal Treatment will follow diagnosis from one of tooth’s experienced Dentists or a referral from your own dentist. At our Specialist Endodontic practice at 26 Lower Marsh SE1 7RJ, we take Endodontic referrals from dentists both private and NHS - so you can skip the NHS waiting list. You will have needed to attend an exam/check up, an emergency appointment or an Endodontic Consultation first before being referred for treatment, or otherwise we will require a referral from your regular dentist.

Root Canal Treatment is usually completed in two stages - at two separate appointments. Stage 1 Root Canal Treatment or Endodontic Treatment is to remove the infected nerve and usually takes around 60-90 minutes. Stage 2 Root Canal Treatment is to fill the tooth’s canal with root filling and to seal the tooth to prevent further infection with a temporary or permanent filling. The stage 2 Root Canal Treatment appointment usually takes around 60 minutes.

After treatment you will likely need one of two further treatments (at additional cost): a Dental Crown (learn more here) or a permanent Filling (learn more here). You may need a Crown and Post in some instances. Your Dentist or Endodontist will advise which of these options is required for you. Most Root Canal Treatments require a Crown as after a Root Canal Treatment the tooth is weaker and more likely to break or fracture unless protected. In some cases, depending on the size of the access required to do the Root Canal Treatment a Filling may be sufficient.

If you have any questions about Root Canal Treatment please contact us here and we’ll be happy to help!

How do I book for a Root Canal Treatment or Endodontic Treatment at tooth?

Booking for Root Canal Treatment or Endodontic Treatment at tooth is quick and easy and our reception team will help you quickly and efficiently. Just click here or press the book now button below and we will get back to you very quickly. Our target for email responses is around 2 hours or less wherever possible during opening hours.

Alternatively, you can even WhatsApp us or call us on 020 7928 2875 (messages only on WhatsApp- we cannot take WhatsApp audio calls).